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Showing posts from August, 2022

Archilles Tendonitis Week 7

Masih dalam minggu ke-7 latihan untuk Garmin Asia Run Series Half Marathon. Aku berehat lagi hari ini. Pada jam 8.45 pagi ini, cuaca di luar kelihatan panas. Mungkin panas akan berlanjutan hingga ke tengahari sebelum hujan lebat lewat petang seperti hari-hari sebelum ini. Aku berehat dari berlari hari ni kerana merawat Archilles Tendonitis yang muncul semalam. Entah dari mana? Tiba-tiba timbul di kaki kanan setelah sekian lama hilang. Di manakah silapnya? Adakah kesan dari kayuhan basikal Ahad lalu yang menambah stress pada tendon tersebut selepas larian 10K sehari sebelumnya? Mungkin juga. Mungkin tendon tidak sempat rehat sudah aku belasah dengan berbasikal pula. Tambahan lagi jarak larian 13km pertengahan minggu semalam makin menambah stress pada tendon. Aku mula rasa sejak permulaan larian. Dengan anggapan larian aku hanya larian ringan, aku tidak ambil peduli jika kesakitan itu hanya sekadar samar-samar sahaja. Rupa-rupanya kesakitan semakin meningkat SELEPAS larian.  Keputusan ak

7th Week HM Training

It's Monday and I am not running as supposed to be an 8km pace run training. I need to rest and recover as advised by Coros The Watch/Buddy. It says, I need 86 hour till the next training which is equivalent to 3 days and a half. That would be Wednesday? That long? I don't mind. When the body says so, I have to obliged. At this age, resting is precedence. Longer rest it may take but the come back is 100%. I felt it. Obviously. I would prefer the rejuvenated feeling at the beginning of a run rather pushing a fatigue body into worse condition. A 1OK race last Saturday was so immensed. I hardly enjoyed the second half of the run but determination really drove me to the end. I barely made the 60 minutes mark but I don't mind since it's not a priority. Getting the feeling of a 6.15 min/km is the priority. It's more towards getting and maintaining the correct cadence, posture and breathing. The three most important elements in a race. I cycled yesterday to Genting Peres.

6th Week HM Training

It's Thursday on the 6th week into the half marathon training. Another 3 weeks to go before ripping the results of what supposed to be a proper trained half marathon. I am supposed to run an 8k this morning but I felt tired upon waking up. There's this lethargic feeling and heavy headed. Though I thought I had an 8 hours sleep last night, probably the other 2 late night sleeps eventually caught up on me. That is the most obvious reasons. I decided to skip this run and take a 2 days rest, which include tomorrow as scheduled. A good rest and recovery is inevitable to prepare for the coming Saturday 10K race simulation.  Work on the other hand is consistently coming in. I owe 2 design jobs till the weekend. Hence this morning is the perfect time to wrap up both jobs. My plantar fasciitis is mild nowadays. Probably from the longer and consistent post run stretching and the alkali drink. The anti-oxidant content helps relieve the inflammation. I am thinking to squeeze in one or two