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Showing posts from March, 2024

Ramadhan 1445H / 2024

I was down with flu (I guess) for 2 weeks in Ramadhan. It started with a sudden fever during the nights & days was back to normal. Dragged for a week. The worse part was the constant cough. I lost my sleep time coughing for an hour or two. The morning felt groggy. In this third week it got better. I managed a few days of honey and apple cider during sahur making sure the cough do not prolonged. It sure did the job. The best home remedy. Now I just need to get back up with the routine especially the Ramadhan remaining days.  In fact this week I started running again. A notch up from recuperating with the bad right knee by walking for the last few weeks. It does still feel a slight pain during post run but it's manageable compared to the previous initial pain. Probably the injury has recovered, almost. Due to a bad start Ramadhan, I lack the momentum. I decided to perform tarawih at home, avoiding the crowd. Same feeling like 3 years back in 2021. The strange feeling about just b

A Year And Not Too Late...

So I've tried accessing my old blog but still it was still useless. The last post was in 2021 about Ching, though I am still frustrated of her lost. Tragedy somewhere in February this year. Murdered by dogs in the early morning. This blog was created last year in this same month.  I know that writing was used to be my niche, keeping the ideas flowing from my brain to my fingers and onto the keyboard. It used to be a theraphy. Keeps my mental health sharp. Though time moves forward when the smart phones took over & typing on a PC is outdated. For the last few weeks I've been trying to get myself time to come back posting. I hope this will be another restart from many other previous attempts.  Let's do it!