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Random June Rapping

With the rest of the kids out with their academics & internship, I am back alone at home. Things may sometimes quite peaceful & some other times lonely. I enjoyed the peace, taking my sweet time doing anything or doing nothing. Thinking of it, old age eventually come with 'being alone'.

This is where sometimes I gave a lot of thoughts as being a father & the significant other. At this juncture, I've learned that leaning back & giving room to others are the wises approach. It saves myself & others from probable controversies & possible crisis or tense moments. It can be annoying when I can't jump in & give my opinion like the old days but this approach allows them to think & accept whatever the consequences fromt their actions.

It is true that a father figure can be the enemy of the family. He's the bad guy. All things said & did are against their preference, even to the slightest opinion. "You're cruel, orthodox, no sense, etc.". Those are the captions I heard & read from their reactions.

I shall remain passive. Do all the things I love. I just need to follow their routines & abide to their decisions as long as it does not effect me. I will try to restraint myself from saying, "I told you so."

It's the third day after eid adha. It rained this early morning, draining away my plan to go for a run after so many days hiatus. I've lost that momentum. I need to regain the passion despite obstacles such as laziness, expensive event fee & boost from new shoes. I need renewed purpose. HEALTH & STRENGTH. That would do it but I need to grip the purpose strong.


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